Tuesday, August 11, 2009

some random thoughts

It's nice to get the website out. I'm pretty happy with it. Hope I get some help ID'ing some of the uncaptioned Bad Actors' pictures.

Of course, we had a couple problems with the site's debut. It seems the Palms Movie page won't load properly in at least two versions of Internet Exploder. The 64-bit version of IE 7, and the 32-bit version of IE 8 can't cut it. If anyone is having a problem viewing the page, by all means get a good browser like Firefox available here: Firefox Download. We will attempt to fix the page to render properly with the wayward IE's, but don't know if we can; and if we can, I have no idea how long it will take. Anyway, Firefox is a great browser, so you could do worse and if you can't currently see the page, you probably are.